Selden Vernier Spreader Bracket For Section C & E Masts

Selden Vernier Spreader Bracket For Section C & E Masts is manufactured in the UK
The Seldén vernier spreader bracket system for C & E masts provides a strong, low windage and super-lightweight solution to spreader attachment, combined with highly adjustable spreader angles.
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The Selden vernier spreader bracket system  for C & E masts provides a strong, low windage and super-lightweight solution to spreader attachment, combined with highly adjustable spreader angles.

The spreader angle is changed via simple clevis pin vernier adjustment and the spreader angle can be set anywhere from 0º to 35º of sweep, with adjustment increments as small as 2º. With its robust 5 mm pins, the mechanism is the strongest on the market.

There are four bracket configurations so the system can be fitted to all section shapes. This spreader bracket will fit C and E mast sections

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Hi Edmund I would have said not, the McGregor would need something more robust and it's not something we would stock Regards David