Mirror Dinghy Rope Guide

Mirror Dinghy Parts, Fittings, and Kits – TridentUK
The Mirror dinghy is one of the most successful and iconic sailing dinghies in history. With the support of the Mirror newspaper, it made sailing accessible to a wider audience. As the leading UK and European manufacturer of wooden kits and GRP-built boats, TridentUK offers a comprehensive selection of parts and fittings specifically for your Mirror dinghy.

Customizing Your Mirror Dinghy
Due to the flexibility in the Mirror dinghy's design, there may not always be a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing the right parts and fittings. If you're unsure or need expert advice, TridentUK is here to help. Feel free to contact us for specialist guidance in selecting the ideal components for your Mirror dinghy.

Find Mirror Dinghy Parts Quickly with Our Easy Menu Structure
To make your search faster and easier, use our intuitive menu structure to find the parts and fittings you need. Whether you're looking for rigging, sails, or hull components, our website helps you save time and reduces the need for excessive scrolling.

You can see our Mirror catalogue by clicking the below link then use the menu to shorten your search.

Below we list the ropes and dimensions we recommend for the mirror dinghy.

Use Length Rope Link
Mainsheet Race 6m Click Here
Mainsheet Standard 6m Mirror Mainsheet Standard Click Here
Center Sheeted Mainsheet 8.5m Click Here
Mainsheet Split Tail Trident 8mm Split Tail Mainsheet Click Here
Jib Sheet 6m Mirror Jibsheet Click Here
Spinnaker Sheet Race 12m Mirror Racing Spinnaker Sheets Click Here
Spinnaker Sheet Standard 12m Mirror Spinnaker Sheets Standard Click Here
Halyard Race Gaff Rig 7m Mirror Main Halyard Racing Click Here
Halyard Standard Gaff Rig 7m Mirror Halyard Standard Gunter Rig Click Here
Main Halyard Bermudan Rig 10m Liros Magic Pro Dyneema 4mm Click Here
Jib Halyard Bermudan Rig 6.5m Liros Magic Pro Dyneema 4mm Click Here
Spinnaker Halyard Race 10m Liros Magic Pro Dyneema 3mm Click Here
Spinnaker Halyard Standard 10m Mirror Spinnaker Halyard Click Here
Kicker Standard 2:1 3m Liros Vision 8-Plaited Rope - 4mm Click Here
Categories: Rope Guides